The Adoption Process
Here at Paradise Parrot Rescue, we are committed to finding the best homes we can for our adoptive birds. We follow a strict process that screens candidates to find the most loving, committed and capable homes that give the birds their best chance at a wonderful life. First, our candidates fill out an adoption application and email it to us for our review. This form can be downloaded HERE. On this form, we require all of the candidates personal information, experience history with birds, and at least three references which we will then contact and interview. Then, we invite the candidates to come to the rescue and spend time with the birds where we can observe their interactions and provide education and training on the bird they are interested in. We take time to match up the RIGHT bird for the prospective home. We take into consideration the individual family members, whether there are children in the home, their ages, how long the bird may be left in the home without a person there, and many, many other factors. There may be multiple visits before we decide to adopt out a bird to a new home. We HAVE to make sure it is the BEST life for that bird, or we will continue to keep the bird at the rescue. And finally, we make sure that the new prospective owner, has the appropriate cage / enclosures for the bird… the larger the better! Candidates will provide photos of their new cage and also home and the areas they plan to keep the bird, and we may elect to do an in-home visit.
So, whether you are adopting or surrendering a bird to Paradise Parrot Rescue, be confident that we take your decision very seriously and will do out very best for these loving creatures. They deserve a wonderful life and that is what we strive to give them. Please contact us at 520-288-6310 to discuss any concerns you may have.